Information for members
Chair: Derek Clarke
Secretary: Martin Purvin
Treasurer: Anne Robinson
Committee members: Kasey Carver, Jeremy Dale, Mary Moss, Edward Picton, Joan Rutherford, Debbie Windley, Rod Grey
All Club members can attend meetings of the committee.
Membership subscriptions
Membership subscriptions (£5 minimum, or £2 for those on low income) are payable on 1st January each year. The easiest way of doing this is to pay by standing order. Download the form below, fill it in and return it to the Treasurer at the Club, who will forward it to your bank.
Alternatively, if you use online banking you can set up a standing order directly with your own bank. Use the bank details as on the form below (make sure it's the correct account, ending in 227) and notify the Treasurer by email
Full membership
Social members who have been a member for 12 months at 31 December can apply for full membership of the Club, using the form below. You will need a proposer and seconder, and provide a brief outline of how you have contributed to the activities of the Club. The application has to be approved by the Committee.
Only full members can vote at the AGM, or become members of the Committee or Officers of the Club.
Application for full membership
Our newsletter contains a lot of information about the Club and its activities. Click the link below to download a copy.
Club Policies
The links below show some of the policies that have been adopted by the Club
Join the Tote
The Tote is a way of raising funds to allow us to buy special items, or undertake special projects, beyond those that can be supported from our normal income.
Members participating in the Tote pay, by standing order, £5 per month. Each month we have a draw, and the winning member gets a ‘prize’ of £25. It currently raises over £1,000 per year, which is a very useful addition to our income.
To join the Tote, download the standing order form from the link below, fill it in and return it to the Treasurer at the Labour Club. We will then forward it to your bank. Alternatively, if you use online banking, you can set up a standing order with your bank. Use the details on the Tote SO form (make sure it's the right account, ending in 456), and notify the treasurer at Payments should be made on the 1st of each month.
Borrow a DVD
The Club has a collection of excellent films, which are available for members to borrow. See the list.
To b0rrow one, just write your name in the book, and cross it off when you return it
Bar rota
We rely on volunteers to run the bar.
If you are willing to help with this, please contact Martin Purvin at
The table below shows the current/upcoming rota, and the events running.
Weekdays - bar to open for 8pm unless indicated earlier - in which case times given are when bar needs to be open. The event may start later than the times given.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
| 1St Wake 11.00-3.00 K +M
| 2nd Social Sundays 11.00-3.00 Film Club 6.30-9.30 ROD |
3rd Reading Group 8.00-11.00 DAVID | 4th Folk Club 7.30-10.30 ALAN | 5th Branch Meeting 7.00-9.00 ROD
| 6th Open Mic Poetry 7.30-11.30 KATH | 7th Club 7.00-9.00 ANGELA Music 9.00-11.00 Hilary + Norman | 8th Repair Café 10.00-2.00 ROSE Songwriters (GIG) K + M | 9th Social Sunday 11.00-3.00 QUIZ 7.00-10.00 KATH |
10th Poetry Evening 8.00-11.00 DAVID | 11th Folk Club 7.30-10.30 Kathy Crotty
| 12th
| 13th Record Club 7.00-11.00 OLLIE/PHIL
| 14th Club 7.00-9.00 JEREMY Music 9.00-11.00 ANNE | 15th GIG : Holly Clarke K + M | 16th Social Sunday 11.00-3.00
| 18th Folk Club 7.30-10.30 Hilary Kirk | 19th
| 20th Dementia f’ly Film 1.0 – 3.00 PAM + JOY LGBT 7.00 – 11.00 KASEY/ANNE/SARAH | 21st Club 7.00-9.00 OLLIE Music 9.00-11.00 Martin + Claire
| 22nd GIG : Kyla Brox K + M | 23rd Social Sunday 11.00-3.00 MiniCine (Kids) 3.30-6.30 Michelles Music NT ROSE |
Political Chat 7.00 – 11.00 ROD | 25th Folk Club 7.30-10.30 Kathy Crotty
| 26th | 27th Folk Train K + M | 28th Club 7.00-9.00 JEREMY Music 9.00-11.00 Kathy Crotty